As of August 27, 2024, the average annual pay of Entry Mortgage Underwriter in the the United States is $60,500 . While is seeing that Entry Mortgage Underwriter salary in the US can go up to $80,751 or down to $45,216 , but most earn between $52,500 and $71,100 . shows the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Entry Mortgage Underwriter in the United States.
Last Updated on August 27, 2024
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Entry Mortgage Underwriter Salaries by PercentileAnnual Salary | Monthly Pay | Weekly Pay | Hourly Wage | |
75th Percentile | $71,100 | $5,925 | $1,367 | $34 |
Average | $60,500 | $5,042 | $1,163 | $29 |
25th Percentile | $52,500 | $4,375 | $1,010 | $25 |
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Get accurate pay by adjusting the below factors. Get accurate pay by adjusting the below factors. Change Search Criteria Entry Level Mortgage Loan Officer New American Funding - Tustin, CA Entry Level Mortgage Loan Officer Training New American Funding - Tustin, CA Underwriter - Mortgage Fulfillment Pennymac - Tampa, FL Underwriter (Entry-Level) ALAANT - Greenville, NYAs of August 27, 2024, the average annual pay of Entry Mortgage Underwriter in the the United States is $60,500 . While is seeing that Entry Mortgage Underwriter salary in the US can go up to $80,751 or down to $45,216 , but most earn between $52,500 and $71,100 . shows the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Entry Mortgage Underwriter in the United States.
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Annual Salary | Monthly Pay | Weekly Pay | Hourly Wage | |
75th Percentile | $71,100 | $5,925 | $1,367 | $34 |
Average | $60,500 | $5,042 | $1,163 | $29 |
25th Percentile | $52,500 | $4,375 | $1,010 | $25 |
An entry-level Entry Mortgage Underwriter with under 1 year experience makes about $59,803. With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level Entry Mortgage Underwriter makes around $60,713. After 2-4 years, the Entry Mortgage Underwriter pay rises to about $63,064. Those senior Entry Mortgage Underwriter with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $63,534, and those Entry Mortgage Underwriter having 8 years or more experience are expected to earn about $63,848 on average.
Levels | Salary |
Entry Level Entry Mortgage Underwriter | $59,803 |
Intermediate Level Entry Mortgage Underwriter | $60,713 |
Senior Level Entry Mortgage Underwriter | $63,064 |
Specialist Level Entry Mortgage Underwriter | $63,534 |
Expert Level Entry Mortgage Underwriter | $63,848 |
Entry Level | 1% |
Mid Level | 0% |
Senior Level | 4% |
Top Level | 5% |
Experienced | 6% |
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For those exploring the changing dynamics of Entry Mortgage Underwriter salaries, offers detailed insights through our Job Trending in CA Labor Market analysis. Our research highlights a notable shift in Entry Mortgage Underwriter compensation over the past six years. For instance, the median salary has moved from $59,923 in 2023 to about $59,474 in 2024 (for a comprehensive analysis of Entry Mortgage Underwriter salary trends, click here). It's crucial to consider several elements, including geographical location, experience level, industry demand, and economic development, as they play a significant role in influencing salary variations.
Year | Average Annual Salary |
2020 | View More |
2021 | View More |
2022 | View More |
2023 | $59,923 |
2024 | $59,474 |
2025 | $59,147 |
2026 | View More |
Intermediate Mortgage Underwriter
Mortgage Loan Underwriter
Mortgage Underwriter I
Mortgage Underwriter II
Mortgage Underwriter III
Mortgage Underwriter IV
Remote Mortgage Underwriter
Residential Mortgage Underwriter
Senior Mortgage Underwriter
Specialist Mortgage Underwriter job board provides millions of Entry Mortgage Underwriter information for you to search for. Click on search button below to see Entry Mortgage Underwriter job openings or enter a new job title here.
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Entry Level Mortgage Loan Officer
New American Funding New American Funding - Tustin, CAPosition:* Pre- Approval Specialist (PAL Specialist). [This is the first position in our training program]. \*\*Must have passed your NMLS Safe Exam prior . more 11 Days Ago
New American Funding New American Funding - Tustin, CAOverview. Position: Pre- Approval Specialist (PAL Specialist). (This is the first position in our training program). . Must have passed your NMLS Safe Exam. more 2 Days Ago
Pennymac - Tampa, FLPENNYMAC. Pennymac (NYSE: PFSI) is a specialty financial services firm with a comprehensive mortgage platform and integrated business focused on the produc. more 2 Days Ago
Greenville, NY ALAANT - Greenville, NYLooking for stability, a hybrid schedule, and a role that welcomes candidates without specific industry experience. Apply today. . . Alaant Workforce Solut. more 2 Days Ago
Western Vista Credit Union Cheyenne, WY Western Vista Credit Union - Cheyenne, WYMortgage Sales Director. Job Summary. At Western Vista Credit Union, our mission and commitment to our members is, ‘Your finances. Our focus’ and we look f. more 4 Months Ago
United Wholesale Mortgage Pontiac, MI United Wholesale Mortgage - Pontiac, MIUnited Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) is America’s #1 mortgage lender and we’re looking to fill an immediate need for underwriters. Join a company that invests i. more 1 Month Ago
Here are companies hiring for Entry Mortgage Underwriter and their salaries, click below for more details.
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Core Compensation | ||
Core Compensation | Median | % of Total |
Base Salary | $60,500 | 68.7% |
Bonus | $2,100 | 2.4% |
Value of Benefits | ||
Core Compensation | Median | % of Total |
Social Security | $4,789 | 5.4% |
401K/403B | $2,942 | 3.3% |
Disability | $501 | 0.6% |
Healthcare | $6,056 | 6.9% |
Pension | $3,443 | 3.9% |
Time Off | $7,705 | 8.8% |
Total Compensation | $88,035 | 100% |
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off. Last Updated on August 27, 2024According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for a Entry Mortgage Underwriter with a High School Diploma or Technical Certificate is $54,549 - $59,206. Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.
Degree Level | % of user with this level of education |
High School | 32.7% |
Associates | 8.9% |
Bachelors | 49.5% |
Masters | 8.9% |
What Am I Worth?
The Entry Mortgage Underwriter monitors property appraisal process. Underwrites mortgage loan applications and evaluates loans in order to maximize organizational profit and minimize risk or loss. Being an Entry Mortgage Underwriter may require a bachelor's degree. Assesses risks to determine approval status. In addition, Entry Mortgage Underwriter typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Being an Entry Mortgage Underwriter works on projects/matters of limited complexity in a support role. Work is closely managed. Working as an Entry Mortgage Underwriter typically requires 0-2 years of related experience.
Specify the abilities and skills that a person needs in order to carry out the specified job duties. Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.
Analysis: Analysis is the process of considering something carefully or using statistical methods in order to understand it or explain it.
Tax Return: Calculating an entity’s income earned with the amount of tax payable to the government, organizations, or potential taxpayers.
Mortgage Products: Mortgage Products means residential real estate secured loan products as from time to time offered by Bank. salary estimates, histograms, trends, and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third-party data sources. We also provide multiple percentiles of salary information for your reference, click here to know Why the Salary Midpoint Formula Is Crucial to Getting Pay Equity Right. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.
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The average salary for an Entry Mortgage Underwriter is $60,500 per year in the United States, updated at August 27, 2024.