How to write a capability statement – Tips and Examples

A business capability statement is like your company’s resume. You use it to present your products and services in a professional manner. On the surface, putting one together is a simple task, since all the information you need should be available within your company. However, it’s a real challenge to get all the technical details on the page in a way that is both concise and visually striking. If you want to create a quality capability statement like that, you’ll likely need a team of professionals to work with you every step of the way.

Why do you need a capability statement?

The best part of owning a professional capability statement is that you will always have an enterprise-grade document on hand. Whether you have enquiries coming in, are meeting prospective clients, or are bidding for a new tender, a capability statement gives you a high level summary that puts your business in the best possible light. It might be impossible to capture every product and service you offer, but an effective design will entice prospects to contact you directly to learn more!

Highlight your track record, core competencies, qualifications, and other relevant information to help win contracts and attract prospective clients.

When sudden requests for tender come up, you won’t be empty handed. A solid capability statement completely removes the stress from applications.

Showcase your major selling points and differences in a format that consumers trust. You’ll be able to professionally promote your business to get ahead of your competitors.

How to write a capability statement

Start the writing process by following these simple steps:

1. Define your audience

Even though you are writing to showcase your strengths, the content and presentation must still be relevant to your target audience. What do they want from you? What can you offer them? Build on these thoughts as you plan things out.

2. Create your capability statement template

Prepare information for the following sections: