Summary writing can be a tricky business. After all, boiling down an article or story into just a few sentences takes ninja skills. But it’s a skill well worth mastering, especially for middle school students.
That’s why it’s important to teach summary writing in a fun and memorable way that makes sense for kids.
I’ll show you some tricks that work for my kids.
1- Use graphic organizers.
2- Make sure kids understand that summarizing means they have to take important information from a text, shorten it, and rewrite it.
3- Use a memorable technique that’s based on the specific genre kids have to summarize. That will help kids learn to focus on what’s important in each type of writing.
Most importantly, the best way to teach summary writing is to teach students that the information they include will depend on the text’s genre.
GIST, or central idea, is a summarization technique I teach students to use when they’re summarizing an expository text, such as a newspaper article or any text about an event.
GIST Steps for Students to Follow:
iPop stands for Important Points Only, Please. It works best for teaching students to summarize expository texts that explain, describe, or are biographical.
iPop Steps:
For some reason, I can tell kids what to do and they’ll forget an hour later. But give them a cool graphic organizer that looks like their favorite technology and they magically know what to do.
So I suppose iPop works because it’s simple and the acronym is easy for kids to remember.
And because the graphic organizer is a phone. lol
A narrative text tells a story that can be true or fictional. In order to write an effective summary of a narrative, kids should focus on identifying the parts of the story: setting, characters – real or fictional- conflict, climax, and resolution.
Try giving them a five-petal flower, with each petal representing an important story element.
Planning Petal Steps for Narratives
At first I tried using a 5 point star for this. But who can fit words into those little points? If your handwriting is so neat you can do it, please keep it to yourself, thank you.
Oops. My handwriting inferiority complex is showing.
Do yourself a favor and find some interesting reading passages. If the practice passages are fun and engaging, kids will want to learn and practice this essential skill. Good luck!
The first “article” I use to teach summary writing is about an intergalactic dog show, and its winner, a two-tailed poodle mix who will talk anyone’s ear off.
The kids love it. And I love that they remember how to summarize!
If you’d like a READY-TO-GO summarizing teaching unit, click on one of the images above or click HERE.