Tuition and Fees Policy

Tuition and fees are collected by an institution of higher education from students attending the university as permitted by the Texas Education Code. However, the determination to increase the fees and charges are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents. Students are assessed tuition and fees based on the location and programs in which they are enrolled and the degrees being pursued. Students enrolled in programs and pursuing degrees that are a partnership arrangement with another university may be assessed the tuition and fees approved by the partnership.


By statutory provision, the Board of Regents has the authority and power to prescribe, regulate and otherwise engage in and control tuition and registration fees as well as non-resident fee exemptions.

No student may attend class, laboratory, or clinic until the student is officially registered with tuition and fees (or an installment payment) paid. Registration is not complete until tuition and fees are paid by the last business day before the first class day.

When and if a student misses the official publicized tuition and fees payment deadline (known as Census Day as defined by the Texas Education Code), the student shall be removed from enrollment by the Office of the University Registrar as approved by the Deans’ Council on 10-20-2009.


  1. Typically, at the first board meeting of the calendar year, a schedule of tuition and fee rates will be presented to the Board of Regents for approval for the upcoming school year.
  2. The annual Tuition and Fee schedule, once approved by the Board of Regents will be utilized by UT Health San Antonio as appropriate when registering students for the new school year.
  3. The Tuition and Fee Schedule will remain in effect for the entire school year unless modified and approved by the Board of Regents.
  4. Below is a definition and explanation of current existing tuition and fee items in effect at UT Health San Antonio:

Procedural Charges

Application Fee

UT Health San Antonio assesses a nonrefundable application fee that is required of all applicants. The amount to be charged depends upon the school the student wishes to apply for admission; information is available on the individual school websites.

Auditing Charge

All auditors of courses must submit an Audit Course Form, with appropriate approvals, to the Office of the University Registrar. Students registered at UT Health San Antonio may, with the approval of the instructor and department chair of the department in which the course is offered, audit courses by paying an auditing charge of $25 per course if students are not officially enrolled in UT Health San Antonio courses, and $5.00 if they are officially enrolled. The audit charge is nonrefundable.

Credit Card Expense Charge

A charge of 2.9% of balances paid is assessed to all students electing to use a credit card for payment.

Duplicate Diploma Charge

A charge of $50 will be assessed for each request for a duplicate diploma. If the student requests a rush order, a charge of $125 will be assessed.

Returned Check Charge

A fee authorized by Section 54.504 of the Texas Education Code, charged for checks returned due to non-sufficient funds.

Installment Plan Fee

A $15.00 fee will be charged per semester to students who elect to pay their tuition and fees on an installment basis.

Tuition and Mandatory Fees


Pursuant to Subchapter B, Chapter 54, Texas Education Code, each student who registers at UT Health San Antonio is required to pay tuition according to the number of semester credit hours for which registration is completed and according to her or his residence classification.

  1. Statutory Tuition – A tuition charge authorized under Texas Education Code (TEC) §54.051 in an amount determined by the Texas Legislature for resident or nonresident students. Currently, the university rate is set at $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) for resident students. Higher rates are charged for nonresident students.
  2. Differential Tuition – A tuition charge authorized under Texas Education Code (TEC) §54.008 for graduate programs determined by each institution's governing board. Institutions can set tuition at rates at least twice that of undergraduate tuition and can set different rates among programs.
  3. Designated Tuition (Deregulated) – Texas Education Code (TEC) §54.0513 authorizes institutions other than public community colleges to impose on any graduate or undergraduate, resident, or nonresident student, an additional tuition charge that the governing board of the institution considers necessary for the effective operation of the institution. This rate varies by institution.

Online Instructional Fee

Students who reside outside of Texas and are enrolled in the Dental Hygiene distance education (online) course/program are assessed $250.00 per credit hour with no additional tuition or fees. Texas residents enrolled in a distance learning/online course pay regular in-state tuition and fees.

Computer and Technology Fee

A School of Nursing student who registers at UT Health San Antonio is required to pay a $15.00 per semester credit hour charge; all other students who register at UT Health San Antonio are required to pay a $10.00 per semester credit hour charge. This fee is to defray costs associated with managing, maintaining, upgrading, and general operations of the University’s technology infrastructure, electronic resources and online services.

Library Fee

A charge of $300.00 per academic year is assessed to all students enrolled at UT Health San Antonio to defray costs of providing library services.

Student Assistance Fee

A charge of $50.00 per semester is assessed for School of Health Professions programs, with the exception of Emergency Health Sciences programs.

Medical Services Fee

A charge of $225.00 per academic year is assessed to all students for medical services provided at the student health center and student counseling center.

Health Insurance Fee

Varies each year. Insurance is currently provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Student Service Fee

A fee authorized by Section 54.503 of the Texas Education Code, charged for the provision of services that directly involve or benefit students. Services may include recreational activities, health and hospital services, medical services, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, artists and lecture series, cultural entertainment series, debating and oratorical activities, student publications, student government, the student fee advisory committee, student transportation services and other student activities and services specifically authorized and approved by the governing board of the institution of higher education. An annual compulsory student services fee of $242.00 is charged to all students.

Lab Fee

A fee authorized by Section 54.501 of the Texas Education Code, the fee varies by course.

Parking Fee

A fee authorized by Section 54.505 of the Texas Education Code, charged for parking of one’s motor vehicle on campus property. This is a varied fee.

Student ID Card Fee

A fee authorized by Section 54.504 of the Texas Education Code, charged to students upon their initial registration at UT Health San Antonio. This fee is intended to cover the cost associated with preparing student ID cards.

Fitness Center Fee

A fee authorized by Section 54.515 of the Texas Education Code, charged to defray expenses associated with fitness center operations. This fee is intended to defray the cost of operating and maintaining a student fitness center. An annual $480.00 fee is assessed to students.


A one-time $100 fee is assessed to all new students to support non-instructional operations of interprofessional activities.

Liability Insurance Fee

A fee charged to students to cover the cost of malpractice insurance for students who are involved in direct patient care. The fee varies by school.

Supplemental Insurance

A $700.00 fee will be charged to all Advanced Dental students effective with the 2024-2025 academic year.

Installment Late Fee

A $10.00 fee charged for late payment of an installment payment due.

Transcript Fee

A fee charged for transcripts and charges to produce a copy of student’s account.

Late Registration Fee

A $100 fee charged to students who add classes after web registration closes.

Exceptions to Mandatory Fees

There may be limited exceptions for the removal of mandatory fees:

  1. for those students who are in a joint degree program covered through an institutional memorandum of understanding between the two (or more institutions) and who pay the mandatory fees to their home institution;
  2. for those students who are in an exclusive online degree program.

In both instances, students in the above categories must seek the support from their associate dean for academic affairs at their school, who would then submit requests for approval to the Vice President of Academic Faculty and Student Affairs and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, requesting an exemption from these fees.


Graduation Fee

A fee authorized by Section 54.504 of the Texas Education Code, charged to defray the expense of preparing student’s diploma and services related to graduation. A $160.00 is assessed for the first degree and an additional $50.00 is assessed for additional degrees earned.


Implantation Materials Fee

A $500.00 fee assessed for second year School of Dentistry students.

Technology Fee

A $350.00 fee is assessed to School of Dentistry students and $10.00 an hour for School of Health Professions and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences students.

Materials Fee

A $3,600.00 fee is assessed to School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene students to cover the cost of the cavitron and loupes.

Laptop Fee

Fee varies by school and is assessed by the TechZone.

Clinic Usage

A $2,441.00 fee is assessed to new students beginning in the fall 2024 for the School of Dentistry. Second-year students, who were admitted in fall 2023, will be charged $2,370.00, and third- and fourth-year students will be assessed $2,070.00 for the remainder of their program. First- and second-year Advanced Dental students in Orthodontics will be assessed $16,170, and third-year students will be assessed $3,000.00 for 2024-2025. First-year Advanced Dental students in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology will be assessed $1,500.00 beginning fall 2024.

Clinical Skills

A $1,207.00 fee is assessed to new students in the School of Medicine, and continuing students will be assessed a $1,059.00 fee. School of Nursing undergraduate students are assessed a fee of $480.00 per semester, while graduate students are assessed $973.00 per semester. A $500.00 fee is assessed to students in the School of Health Professions Master of Physician Assistant Studies, and $500 for the Clinical Site Maintenance, beginning fall 2024.

Human Material Fee

A $1,735 fee for School of Dentistry and Medicine first-year students. For the School of Health Professions, the fee is $1,157.00 with a $30.00 lab fee, for Doctor of Physical Therapy students, Doctor of Occupational Therapy students, and Master of Physician Assistant Studies students. Doctor of Occupational Therapy students will have an additional assessment of $200 for the Gross Anatomy Technician fee. For the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, the fee is $1,157.00 with a $30.00 lab fee, for Master of Cell Systems and Anatomy and the Per-Professional Certificate Program students. For the School of Nursing, the fee is $1,157.00 with a $30.00 lab fee, for Post BSN to DNP Nurse Anesthesia students.

Microscope Fee

A $48.00 fee is assessed to first- and second-year School of Dentistry students.

Equipment Leasing Fee

A $2,400.00 fee is assessed for Dental Professional students. New students in the Dental Hygiene Undergraduate program will be assessed a fee of $440 per term, and for second-year students, the fee is $400.00 fee per term.

Instrumentation Usage Fee

A $7,260.00 fee will be assessed for incoming Advanced Dental students in Endodontics beginning fall 2024, and continuing students will be assessed $6,600.00.


Educational Software Fee

A $1,515.00 fee is assessed to newly admitted students in the School of Medicine, and continuing students will be assessed $1,443.00 to cover the cost of new software and annual maintenance costs associated with new technology and Ultrasound equipment.

Academic Advising Fee

A $502.00 fee is assessed to undergraduate School of Nursing students per term to provide services to assist struggling students and support student leadership development. Graduate students will be assessed a fee of $861.00 per term.

Education Support Fee

A fee assessed to School of Health Professions students to cover the cost of materials, equipment leased, course fees and practicum fees. The fee varies depending on the program. Students enrolled in the Emergency Health Science Program are not assessed this fee.

Portfolio Fee

A $120.00 fee is assessed to all graduate students in the School of Nursing except for the Doctor of Nursing Science program.

BSN to DNP Fee

A $90.00 fee is assessed to graduate students in the School of Nursing pursuing the Doctor of Nursing Practice.

Program Clinic Fee

A $200.00 annual fee is assessed to all new students beginning fall 2023 in the School of Health Professions with the exception of Emergency Health Science and Physical Therapy programs. Students admitted before fall 2023 will continue to pay the current annual fee of $100.00.

Program Examination Fee

A $145.00 fee is assessed to Occupational Therapy students to support the purchase of exams required by accreditation standards.

Student Assessment Fee

A $100.00 fee is assessed to Physician Assistant Studies students. The fee is to assist in the monitoring of the student's progress.


It is the policy of UT Health San Antonio that all expenses, including tuition and fees, are due and are to be paid by each student at the time of registration unless specifically exempted. Student may be registered and attend classes without payment at the time of registration, if:

Registration is made final only upon satisfaction of all charges.


Tuition and fee bills for registration during early registration, regular registration, and late registration are available online and are not mailed.

When the student is billed, he/she is given a definite payment date for the amount due. If payment is not received, the student will receive a delinquent payment fee and/or his/her records, transcripts, and registration may be blocked until full payment is received.


Fee Refund Schedule (Complete Withdrawal)

Both graduate and undergraduate students who withdraw from this institution during a fall or spring semester will receive a refund of a percentage of tuition and refundable fees based on the schedule below. Medical and dental students who withdraw in the fall of the academic year will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees for the second half of the year (spring) and a refund for the first half of the year (fall) based upon the schedule below.

Students receiving financial assistance through Title IV programs may have this refund returned to the federal government in accordance with the provisions in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 1998.

Fall, Spring, or Summer term of 10 weeks or longer:

Refund Schedule
Time of Withdrawing Amount of Refund of Tuition and Returnable Fees and Charges
Prior to the first class day 100% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and charges
During the first 5 class days 80% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and charges
During the second 5 class days 70% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and charges
During the third 5 class days 50% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and charges
During the fourth 5 class days 25% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and charges
After the fourth 5 class days No refund of tuition, fees, or charges

Summer term of 9 weeks or less:

Refund Schedule
Time of Withdrawing Amount of Refund of Tuition and Returnable Fees and Charges
Prior to the first day of class 100% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and fees
During first 3 class days 80% of applicable tuition and returnable fees and fees
During the second 3 class days 50% of applicable tuition and returnable fees
On the seventh class day or thereafter No refund of tuition, fees, or charges

Notice of intention to withdraw must be made in writing to the Registrar. The institution terminates student services and privileges at the time of the student’s withdrawal.

Class days are defined as calendar days during which classes are normally held and not the days a particular course meets.

A student who concurrently adds and drops the same number of credit hours will neither be charged nor refunded for this add/drop.

Refund for Courses Dropped

100% of tuition and fees will be refunded for courses dropped prior to the census day of the term provided the student remains enrolled in the institution for that term and has remaining eligibility for the funds after the reduced tuition/fee costs have been factored into the student's Cost of Attendance by the Veteran Services and Financial Aid office for Title IV aid recipients. No refunds will be made for courses dropped following the census day of the term unless the student withdraws from the university. If the student withdraws from the university, the Fee Refund Schedule will be used to determine refund eligibility. Students receiving assistance through Title IV programs will have their tuition and fee allowances re-evaluated by the Veteran Services and Financial Aid office to determine the impact of the dropped course(s). Students who drop below half-time before census day, after receiving their Title IV program funds, will have their tuition/fee refund returned to the federal/state programs.

The student must follow all university procedures to officially drop a course or withdraw from school.

A student must complete a Student Clearance Form to receive a refund.

The date of receipt of the form in the Office of the University Registrar will be used to determine eligibility for refund and/or final approval of classes dropped.

Once classes begin, there will be no refunds for fitness fee, insurance fees, student I.D. cards, installment plan fees, parking or other fees specifically designated as non-refundable.


This refund policy applies to any financial aid recipient who withdraws from school.

As an institution participating in programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, UT Health San Antonio is required to return a portion of the Title IV financial aid a student received back to the Title IV program from where the funds were originally disbursed as a result of the student’s withdrawal from school. The portion returned is referred to as the Title IV Refund and is calculated by determining the portion of unearned aid a student has received. The types of Title IV funds included in this calculation are student loans from the William D. Ford Direct Loan Programs, Pell grants, or Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG) .


Students withdrawing from UT Health San Antonio prior to completing 60% of the semester and who have received Federal Title IV aid are required to return the unearned portion of funds received. Funds used to pay tuition and fees are returned by UT Health San Antonio to the appropriate federal fund as calculated by VSFA. This is NOT a refund of tuition and fees to the student. State law describes the amount of tuition and fees that a student is responsible for paying regardless of when they withdrew. Refer to the “Fee Refund Schedule” below for details on tuition and fee refunds for drops and withdrawals. Student who are granted a leave of absence for more than 180 days are considered withdrawn as it relates to financial aid. Funds returned due to a Title IV Refund Calculation will be returned in the order specified by the Department of Education, following the priority shown below:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Loan
  3. Federal PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell
  5. Federal SEOG

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards require a student to progress in their degree program in order to receive Title IV assistance. Withdrawals, or a leave of absence from school, may be considered a violation of this standard. Any student not meeting the standards who subsequently returns to school may need to file an appeal with the VSFA office to explain, in writing, the circumstances of the withdrawal before eligibility for federal or state aid can be reinstated. Please see the VSFA web site for full details here.


Payment of tuition and fees in installments may be an option for students. A fee of $15 is assessed for handling installment payments of tuition and fees, and a $10 late fee is assessed for each late payment.

Penalties for failing to make installments on time include:

  1. Being barred from class until payment is made;
  2. Withholding of credit if payment is not made by the end of the semester, with the university adjusting its records to reflect the student’s failure to have properly enrolled.
  3. Bar against readmission and withholding of grades, degree, and official transcript, and/or
  4. Other remedies authorized by law.

Professional Schools

Students in Professional-level programs (School of Dentistry D.D.S. and School of Medicine M.D.) pay tuition and fees based upon the curriculum for the academic year.

The following alternatives are available:

Medical and Dental Students

Option 1
Student Employment
Registered for x Graduate Hours Maximum Hours Per Week Permitted to Work
50% at Registration
50% at the end of winter break
Option 2 (for students without Financial Aid only)
Student Employment
Registered for x Graduate Hours Maximum Hours Per Week Permitted to Work
25% at Registration
25% 1 month later
25% 1 week at midpoint of the academic year
25% 30 days after the 3rd installment

Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Both undergraduate and graduate students (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Health Professions and School of Nursing) pay tuition and fees based upon the hours for which they register each semester.

A 60-day tuition loan is available for the full amount. An origination fee of 1.25% of the amount of the loan is assessed to cover the cost related to providing the loan.


Students are informed of the amount of their tuition set aside for financial assistance as mandated by the Texas Education Code, Section 56.014. The information will be included on a communication emailed to the student during the term tuition is collected. For more information, please visit the VSFA web site.


Undergraduate Students

Authorized by Section 54.014 of the Texas Education Code, an undergraduate student who pays resident tuition rates will be charged nonresident tuition rates, and deemed ineligible for tuition waivers or exemptions, if the student has accumulated the greater of either

  1. 170 or more semester credit hours without earning a baccalaureate degree, or
  2. More than 30 semester credit hours than is required for completion of the baccalaureate degree. In addition, a higher tuition rate may be charged if a student enrolls again in a course that is the same or substantively identical to a course that the student previously completed.

Graduate Students

Authorized by Section 54.012 of the Texas Education Code, a student who has earned 100 or more semester hours of credit at the doctoral level (130 semester credit hours for biomedical sciences) is subject to the nonresident tuition rate, even if the student is a Texas resident or holds an appointment that would normally entitle the holder to pay resident tuition. In addition, a higher tuition rate may be charged if a student enrolls again in a course that is the same or substantively identical to a course that the student previously completed.

More information on excess hours may be found under the Excess Hours Policy.


A student whose hours may no longer be submitted for formula funding because it is the same or substantially similar to a course that the student previously attempted for two or more times at UT Health San Antonio may be charged a higher tuition rate per semester credit hour or nonresident tuition rates.


Nonresidents who may qualify to pay tuition at the resident rate without regard to the length of residence in Texas include:

  1. Military personnel assigned to duty in Texas and their spouse and children.
  2. Faculty employed at least one-half time on a regular monthly basis at a state institution of higher learning and their spouse and children.
  3. Teaching or research assistants employed at least one-half time in a state-funded position at UTHSA which is related to the assistant’s degree program under academic regulations and their spouse and children.
  4. A student who holds a competitive academic scholarship for at least $1,000, which was awarded in competition with Texas students by a scholarship committee, recognized by the university and The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The total number of students at an institution paying resident tuition under this provision for a particular semester may not exceed five percent (5%) of the total number of students registered at the institution for the fall semester of the preceding year.
  5. Veterans eligible for benefits under the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (38 U.S.C. Section 3301 et seq.) or any other federal law authorizing educational benefits for veterans. Veterans, or their eligible dependents, must reside in Texas while enrolled at the institution and must submit a Letter of Intent to Establish Texas residency with the Veteran Services and Financial Aid office.

A non-resident student who believes he/she is qualified for one of the tuition waivers must provide documentation to the Veteran Services and Financial Aid office no later than the census date for the term in order for the application of the waiver to be considered for that term. Full details of all applicable Texas waivers can be found at under “Types of Financial Aid."


The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board prescribes certain cases in which students can be exempt from tuition and/or certain fees. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the action of applying for an exemption and providing satisfactory evidence that all conditions required for the exemption have been met. Until such time as the exemption is granted, a student will be required to pay all tuition and fees from his or her own funds. Students may be required to meet UT Health San Antonio's Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards in order to receive an exemption/waiver. Please review the website for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for a complete list of exemptions/waivers and their requirements; however, please be advised that not all exemptions/waivers are available at UTHSA. Please visit the Veteran Services and Financial Aid website for information concerning exemptions/waivers applicable to UTHSA.

Students who might be eligible for an exemption must apply for the exemption with the Veteran Services and Financial Aid office before the census day of the semester in which they plan to use the exemption provision and complete all required document requests. Hazlewood recipients must complete all required documents and submit them to VSFA before the last class day of the term as published in UT Health San Antonio academic calendar and medical and dental professional students must complete by the last class day in the fall session.

Adopted Students Formerly in Foster or other Residential Care

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Certain adopted students
Requirements To be eligible, a student must:
have been adopted
have been the subject of an adoption assistance agreement under Subchapter D, Chapter 162, Family Code
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition and fees

Blind and Deaf Students

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Texas residents who are deaf or blind
Requirements Certification of deafness/blindness for the Texas Commission for the Deaf & Hearing Impaired/Texas Commission for the Blind. Form must be provided to the Office of Veteran Services and Financial Aid.
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition and fees

Children of Disabled/Deceased Texas Firefighter and Law Enforcement Officers

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Children under 21 of full-paid or volunteer firefighter; full-paid or volunteer municipal, county, or state peace officers including a game warden; or custodial officer of the Department of Criminal Justice who died or became disabled in the line of duty.
Requirements Certification from parent’s workplace must be provided to the Office of Veteran Services and Financial Aid
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition and fees
Exemption not to exceed 120 undergraduate credit hours or any semester begun after age 26.

Children of Prisoners of War or Persons Missing in Action

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Child (under 21) or a dependent (under 25) who receives majority of support from parent
Requirements Parent must be a resident of Texas on active duty and be classified by the Department of Defense as a Prisoner of war or Missing in Action at the time of registration, and certification must be provided to the Office of Veteran Services and Financial Aid
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition and fees

Children of Professional Nursing Program Faculty

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible A child of a faculty member or teaching assistant in a nursing program at UTHSCSA
Requirements a resident of Texas age 25 or younger
not have been granted a baccalaureate degree
be enrolled at the same institution that employs the parent/faculty member
has not previously received an exemption under this section for 10 semesters or summer sessions
If the parent is employed on less than a full-time basis, the value of the exemption is to be prorated in accordance with parent’s employment load. Under no circumstances, however, is the exemption to be for an amount less than 25% of the student’s tuition.
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition only

Disabled Peace Officers

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible A permanently disabled peace officer as a result of an injury suffered during the performance of a duty as a peace officer of this state or a political subdivision of this state and is unable to continue employment as a peace officer because of the disability.
Requirements To receive an exemption, the student must:
be a Texas resident
be taking undergraduate work
not exceed 12 semesters in the undergraduate program
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition only for no more than 12 semesters/sessions

Firefighter Enrolled in Fire Science Courses

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Students employed as a paid firefighter by a political subdivision of the State of Texas or Active member of volunteer fire department who holds an accredited advanced certification (or the equivalent), under the State Firemen’s and Fire Marshal’s Association of Texas volunteer certification program, or a Phase V (Firefighter II) certification (or the equivalent) under the Texas Commission of Fire Protection’s voluntary certification program under Section 419.071, Govt. Code. Enroll in courses offered as part of a Fire Science Curriculum.
Requirements Submit complete Texas Fireman Exemption Request from the VSFA website ( on an annual basis.
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition and lab fees only.

Hazlewood Act (Texas ex-servicemen and Children of Texas Veterans) - rules subject to change by the Texas Veterans Commission and/or Texas Legislature.

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible A. A veteran may qualify for benefits under the Hazlewood Act if she or he:
entered the service at a location in this State, declared this State as the person’s home of record in the manner provided by the applicable military or other service, or would have been determined to be a resident of this State at the time of entry into the armed forces of the United States
was a nurse, member of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, member of the Women’s Auxiliary Volunteer Emergency Service, and all honorably discharged members of the armed forces of the United States who served during World War II except those who were discharged from service because they were over the age of 38 or because of a personal request on the part of the person that he or she be discharged from service
was honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States and who served during the national emergency which began on June 27, 1950, and which is referred to as the Korean War
was honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States after serving on active military duty, excluding training, for more than 180 days and who served a portion of their active duty during:
a. the Cold War which began on the date of the termination of the national emergency cited above;
b. the Vietnam era which began on December 21,1961, and ended on May 7, 1975;
c. the Grenada and Lebanon era which began on August 24, 1982, and ended on July 31, 1984;
d. the Panama era which began on December 20,1989, and ended on January 21, 1990;
e. the Persian Gulf War which began on August 2,1990, and ends on the date thereafter prescribed by Presidential proclamation or September 1, 1997, whichever occurs first;
f. the national emergency by reason of certain terrorist attacks that began on September 11, 2001; or
g. any future national emergency declared in accordance with federal law.
received an honorable discharge, a general discharge under honorable conditions, or an honorable release from active duty
has attempted fewer than 150 credit hours of college courses since the fall of 1995 using the Hazlewood exemption
has exhausted eligibility for federal veterans’ or survivor’s educational benefits during the semester/term in which they are enrolled
is not in default on any education loans made or guaranteed by the Federal Government or the State of Texas, and
is enrolled in an eligible program of study. An institution may not grant a Hazlewood Act exemption for continuing education courses for which they do not receive state tax support, unless the institution’s board has specifically granted them permission to do so.
B. The exemptions provided for in Subsection (A) of this section also apply to the spouse or children of members of the armed forces of the United States who:
are or were killed in action
die or died while in service
are missing in action
whose death is documented to be directly caused by illness or injury connected with service in the armed forces of the United States
who becomes totally disabled for the purposes of employability as defined by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Subsection (B) provisions also apply to the spouse or children of members of the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard killed since January 1, 1946, while on active duty either in the service of their state or the United States.
However, to qualify for this exemption (B) the spouse or child must be classified as a resident on the date of the spouse’s or child’s registration.
C. A person who becomes eligible for an exemption provided by Subsection (A) may waive any unused portion of their eligibility to their child. To be eligible to receive an exemption under this subsection, the child must:
be classified as a resident when the child enrolls,
make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the policy of the institution’s financial aid department, except for the requirement to enroll in a minimum course load, and,
be 25 years of age or younger on the first day of the semester or term for which the exemption is claimed (a child who suffered from a severe illness or debilitating condition that affected their ability to use the exemption, may be granted additional time to use the exemption corresponding to the time the child was unable to use the exemption because of the illness or condition).
Requirements A student seeking to use the exemption for the first time must:
complete an application in the Office of Veteran Services and Financial Aid prior to the official last class day of the term for which the exemption is requested or the fall term for a professional medical or dental student.
(for veterans who have served on or after 09/11/2001) submit a letter from veterans administration attesting to her or his exhaustion of federal veterans educational benefits that may be used only for the payment of tuition and fees, and
meet other program requirements as in the past.
A student continuing to use the exemption must:
sign a release form, and
meet other program requirements as in the past.
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition and fees other than service fees.
No student may use Hazlewood for more than 150 credit hours.

Surviving Spouse and Dependent Children of Certain Deceased Public Servants (employees)

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Surviving spouse or minor child of certain police, security, or emergency personnel killed in the line of duty.
Requirements To be eligible, a student must:
be the eligible surviving spouse or child of an individual listed in Government Code, Sec. 615.003
be a full-time student
have his or her eligibility certified by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Tuition and fees exempted Tuition.
Required fees and charges.
Cost of contract for food and housing (if qualified).
Cost of textbooks.
(Exemptions valid until a student receives a bachelor’s degree or 200 semester credit hours, whichever occurs first.)

Students in Foster Care

Column 1 Column 2
Who is eligible Students who are under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services:
on the day preceding the student’s 18th birthday;
on or after the day of the student’s 14th birthday if the student was also eligible for adoption on or after that day, or
on the day the student graduated from high school or received equivalent of a high school diploma, or
on the day preceding the date the student is adopted (if on or after September 1, 2009), or
on the day preceding the date permanent managing conservatorship of the student is awarded to a person other than the students’ parent (if on or after September 1, 2009).
And enrolls as an undergraduate no later than:
the student’s 25th birthday.
Effective with the Spring 2010 semester:
applies to all persons under the conservatorship of the Department of Family Protective Services during an academic term in which the student was enrolled in a dual credit course or other course for which a high school student may earn joint high school and college credit
can be used by eligible students while in high school to avoid the tuition and fee costs of dual enrollment courses.
Requirements Certification from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services must be provided to the Office of Veteran Services and Financial Aid
Tuition and fees exempted All tuition and fees

Nursing Preceptors and Dependents

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Who is eligible Preceptors to professional nursing education programs and their eligible children.
An individual’s eligibility for the program ends when the person has previously received exemptions under this program for 10 semesters or summer sessions at any institution or institutions of higher education, or received a baccalaureate degree. For the purposes of this program, a summer session that is less than nine weeks in duration is considered one-half of a summer session.
Requirements To receive an exemption, the preceptor must:
be a resident of Texas
be a registered nurse
be serving under a written preceptor agreement with an undergraduate professional nursing program as a clinical preceptor for students enrolled in the program for the semester or other academic term for which the exemption is sought.
To receive an exemption, the child of the preceptor must:
be a Texas resident
have a parent who meets the above criteria.
Tuition and fees exempted All tuition, up to 500 per semester for preceptors. Children receive up to 500 per semester for up to ten semesters or until the child receives their first bachelors degree.

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Updated July 7, 2023

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