Subject-area course lists indicate courses currently active for offering at the University of Louisville. Not all courses are scheduled in any given academic term. For class offerings in a specific semester, refer to the Schedule of Classes.
500-level courses generally are included in both the undergraduate- and graduate-level course listings; however, specific course/section offerings may vary between semesters. Students are responsible for ensuring that they enroll in courses that are applicable to their particular academic programs.
Some courses may carry fees beyond the standard tuition costs to cover additional support or materials. Program-, subject- and course-specific fee information can be found on the Office of the Bursar website.
CJ 160. Technology Forensics: Core Hardware Issues 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: This course is an introduction to computers as evidence sources and focuses on the installation, configuration, upgrading, troubleshooting and forensics possibilities of computer components.
Note: Competency testing available.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 161. Technology Forensics: Operating Systems 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 160.
Description: This course is an introduction to computers as evidence sources and focuses on the installation,operation and forensics possibilities of operating systems of computing devices.
Note: Competency testing available.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 162. Technology Forensics: Network 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 161.
Description: This course is an introduction to computers as evidence sources and focuses on the installation,operation and forensics possibilities of network systems of computing devices.
Note: Competency testing available.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 200. Crime and Justice in the United States - SB 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: This course focuses on the various processing stages, practices, and personnel in the criminal justice system. This course examines the problem of crime in American society. Both historical and contemporary components of the system, including the police, the courts, and correctional agencies are explored. This course is designed to provide the student with a broad-based understanding of both the effects of crime upon communities as well as the criminal justice system's response to crime in our contemporary society.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 201. Law Enforcement in the United States - SB 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The course focuses on evolution of policing including the history, policing paradigms, police organizations, and emerging issues in policing. This course examines the role of the police in the United States. Historical and modern forms of policing will be explored. The course provides students with a broad understanding of the role and function of the police in America.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 202. Corrections in the United States - SB 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: This course is designed to provide an introduction to the history, practices, and issues related to the correctional function in American criminal justice. Topics included are: history of prisons; inmate subcultures and institutions; correctional issues such as overcrowding, stress, sexual violence, and administrative problems. Both adult and juvenile corrections will be covered.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 250. Investigative Interviewing & Testimony 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: An introductory course dealing with the principles and practices of interviewing. The course will include a review of interviewing theory and practical exercises intended to enable students interested in public service to gather information and make observations more effectively.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 299. Criminal Justice Occupational Courses and Learning 1-24 Units
Grading Basis: Pass/Fail
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The student does not register for this course. It is a receptacle course to award PLA credit upon completion of our PLA course CJ 304.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 300. Career Development and Cultural Intelligence - SB, D1 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200.
Description: Perspective on career development in the field of criminal justice through awareness of cultural diversity also known as cultural intelligence.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 301. Introduction to Computer Forensics and the Analysis of Digital Media 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 160, CJ 161, and CJ 162; or consent of instructor.
Description: This course introduces students to the collection, preservation, presentation and preparation of computer-based evidence for the purposes of criminal law enforcement or civil litigation. These activities define the central roles of computer forensic practitioners involved in investigating computer crime scenes and torts involving computers.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 304. Criminal Justice Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) 1-2 Units
Grading Basis: Pass/Fail
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): 12 credit hours at the University of Louisville and documentation of training record.
Description: To provide students with knowledge and skills to document and assess prior learning from occupational training. Documentation and reflection writing are combined in a PLAD (Prior Learning Assessment Documents) which is evaluated for award of college credit. Writing, thinking and technology skills are emphasized.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 305. Criminal Behavior 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: An introduction to the theory, research, and findings of biological, psychological and sociological studies of criminality. Topics included are: the history of criminal theories; societal reactions to crime; deviant subcultures; and criminal organizations and institutions in society.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 306. Criminal Procedure 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: A course designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the procedural aspects involved in developing and prosecuting or defending criminal cases. The course focuses on the Constitutional issues involved during the various aspects of a criminal case, from investigation to arrest through trial and appeal. The concept of due process is examined. Specific attention is focused on the rights and limitations offered the prosecution and defense under the Bill of Rights. Topics included are: lineups, searches, arrests, "stop and frisk," bail extradition, preliminary hearings, arraignment, trials, sentencing, appeals, probation, parole, and the death penalty.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 325. Research Design 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 or consent of instructor.
Description: An advanced study of the principles, data sources, and methods appropriate for criminal justice. Topics included are: library research; research design, sampling, scaling; questionnaire construction; and survey research, interviewing, and participant observation.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 326. Quantitative Analysis - QR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): The Kentucky Council on Post-Secondary Education (PCE) sets an ACT score of 19 or above as an academic readiness indicator for the area of Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning).
Description: Other course readiness markers for this class are SAT (510) or completion of GEN 103. An introduction to the applications of quantitative research methods to the analysis of criminal justice practices and data. Emphasis is placed on the calculation, application and interpretation of statistical measures generated by computer software such as SPSS. Topics included are: measures of central tendency and dispersion; theories of probability and the normal curve; and parametric and nonparametric significance tests used in criminal justice research.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 335. Court Administration 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: An intensive study of court organization, administration, and management from the professional court administrator's viewpoint. Topics included are: the history and evolution of court systems; functions of courtroom management; case flow management; and administration of both trial and appellate judicial offices.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 352. Sex Crimes 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: An interdisciplinary study of the sex offender and crimes related to sexual conduct. Topics included are: sexual deviancy in society; the description and treatment of offenders; and the role of societal values and institutions on sexual behavior, norms, and mores.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 354. Crime and the Media 3 Units
Description: The course covers the portrayal of crime in the mass media and examines how the media provides a distorted image of the true reality of crime and criminal justice, which in turn distorts public perception. This course will analyze how crime is socially constructed through media coverage and how mass mediated misperceptions of the reality of crime and criminal justice affect the actual operation of the various components of the criminal justice system and public policy.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 355. Criminalistics 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: A survey of techniques, procedures and analysis of scientific crime investigation. Topics included are: the history of the scientific investigation of crime; research techniques in crime investigation and analyses including statistical and computer application; and the prosecutorial process and the role of scientific expertise.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 356. Crime Prevention 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: An intensive study of the criminological and environmental theories and methods of crime prevention and reduction. Topics included are: the history of crime prevention approaches and theories; program development; case studies and research in crime prevention; and the overall problem of loss-prevention management in the United States.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 358. Private Security Management 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 or consent of instructor.
Description: An intensive study of the management functions of a private security agency. Topics included are: agency structure; personnel; legal status; budgeting; and supervision of a private security firm.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 360. Juvenile Justice 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 or consent of instructor.
Description: A study of the theories and philosophies underlying the evolution and maintenance of the juvenile justice system in America as well as the structure and processes of the contemporary juvenile justice system. Topics included are: the history of the juvenile and the legal system; issues in juvenile justice; and the roles of the police, courts, and corrections in implementing the juvenile justice model.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 365. Community Corrections 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and CJ 202.
Description: Origins and evolution of correctional programs that function outside of total institutions. Topics included are: diversion programs, probation, parole, boot camps, home incarceration, electronic monitoring, halfway houses, and other community-based initiatives for adult and juvenile offenders.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 366. Introduction to Internet and Network Investigations 3 Units
Description: This course will cover network monitoring and measurement tools for network traffic collection and investigation,and data processing and forensics technologies for Internet based applications. The second part of the course will explore advanced topics in network security and forensics.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 370. Police Administration 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 201 or consent of instructor.
Description: An intensive study of police organization and administration. Topics included are: the history of police organization; the political environment of law enforcement agencies; the police function in other societies and cultures; and a survey of management functions.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 375. Social and Restorative Justice 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: This course links social justice and criminology while considering the causes of harm. Assumptions about crime and justice will be examined by comparing and contrasting retributive and restorative justice paradigms. A considerable portion of the course will be dedicated to confronting specific social justice issues.
Note: Cross-listed with SCHG 375.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 390. Criminal Court Procedures 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): CJ 306 or consent of instructor.
Description: An intensive study of criminal due process and legal procedures from apprehension to sentencing. Topics included are: federal and state processes of disposition, bail systems, extradition, preliminary hearing, arraignment, trial, appeal, sentencing, probation, parole, and release.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 395. Criminal Law and Evidence 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: Principles of criminal liability and the legislative and judicial processes by which acts and omissions are criminalized, investigated, and prosecuted. Topics include: crimes against persons, crimes against property, victimless crimes, and white collar crime. Exploration of issues related to legal capacity, defenses, and insanity. State and federal criminal rules of evidence identified and used to explain specific evidentiary issues relating to criminal law.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 400. Legal Issues in Corrections 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200, CJ 202, and CJ 306; or consent of instructor.
Description: An overview of legal issues concerning the constitutional rights of the convicted offender. Topics included are: impact of court decisions upon correctional personnel and administration; use of force; rights of visitation; use of mail, solitary confinement, religion, legal services; probation and parole regulations; right to treatment; and civil liabilities of correctional officials.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 403. Prisons and Jails in the United States 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and CJ 202; or consent of instructor.
Description: Issues involved in the design and operation of correctional institutions. In-depth examination of prison and jail construction and design, administration and management, career opportunities, programming needs, inmate culture and subculture and the interplay of legislative and case law.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 405. Crimes Against the Elderly 3 Units
Description: Course examines federal and state laws designed to protect the older adult population; topics include types of abuse, victim advocacy, perpetrator prosecution, community resources and protection services.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 406. Crime Victims and Victimization 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: Overview of crime victimization and the criminal justice system response to crime victims.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 415. Substance Abuse, Crime and Criminal Justice 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and CJ 202.
Description: Study of history, origin, extent and causes of substance abuse, focusing on relationships between substance abuse, criminal activity, and criminal justice agencies.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 420. Computer Applications in Criminal Justice 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 or consent of instructor.
Description: An applied introductory course to computer applications relevant to criminal justice and criminology. Topics include data collection and entry, basic data analysis, electronic research methods, and web page design with an emphasis on the use of computer software and hardware in criminal justice agencies.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 421. Organized Crime 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and CJ 305; or consent of instructor.
Description: Interdisciplinary exploration of major issues related to organized crime. Topics include historical aspects, theoretical perspectives and criminal activities commonly associated with organized crime efforts.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 425. Profiling Violent Crimes 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: Examination of the basic concept of criminal assessments of fatally violent crimes. Topics include organized and disorganized criminal personalities, stages of violent homicides, blood spatter interpretation, the process of homicide investigation, media issues, typology of violent personal offenders and various types of murderous personalities.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 426. Violence in the United States: The Criminal Justice Response 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and Junior standing; or consent of instructor.
Description: Various forms of personal violence such as spouse abuse, child physical and sexual abuse, abuse of the elderly, rape, criminal assaults and battery, abuse in the workplace, and other forms of abuse will be discussed. Special emphasis directed toward the role of the criminal justice system.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 430. Environmental Crime 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: Provides an understanding of both the theoretical and practical legal issues relating to environmental Criminal Justice, including an introduction to criminological solutions to environmental problems.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 435. Comparative Criminal Justice Systems - WR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: Overview of international criminal justice systems and various issues, that arise in criminal justice systems throughout the world.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences Upper-Level Requirement in Written Communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 440. Human Trafficking: Critical Thinking About Modern-Day Slavery 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: In depth analysis of trafficking in human beings as a crime prompted by supply and demand. Content includes: definitions of human trafficking, human trafficking as a transitional crime, characteristics of the crime of trafficking in human beings and strategies to most effectively deal with this crime.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 445. Computer and Electronic Crime 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: Examination of legal policy and technical issues of computer and electronic crime. Class participation, writing, and oral presentations will be integral components of the course.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 450. Internship 3-6 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): Permission of chair or internship coordinator.
Description: An internship in an agency that participates in the administration of justice or private security. Written reports of activities and a comprehensive summary of learning experiences will be required.
Note: Application must be made and approved prior to enrollment.
Note: Preference will be given to students currently majoring in Criminal Justice.
Course Attribute(s): CBL - This course includes Community-Based Learning (CBL). Students will engage in a community experience or project with an external partner in order to enhance understanding and application of academic content.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 460. Correctional Treatment and Rehabilitation 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and CJ 202; or consent of instructor.
Description: A study of the techniques and methods employed by the correctional system in attempting to influence and to change client behavior. Topics included are: the history of offender treatment; the nature and variety of current treatment programs; studies of treatment effectiveness; and the future of treatment and rehabilitation in the United States.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 471. Police Administration 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of department chair.
Description: A discussion of police administration, organization, and functions. Administration is approached from the points of view of a police executive and his or her principal aides. Emphasis encompasses both reality and theory. Contemporary management thought is emphasized.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 473. Legal Issues in Police Administration 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of department chair.
Description: Detailed analysis of legal issues in police administration and management. Emphasis on the development of policies, procedures, and practices to avoid liability resulting from administrative operations. The case method is used to study emerging trends and current issues.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 474. Police Supervision 3 Units
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 477. Organizational Behavior in Law Enforcement 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of department chair.
Description: Basic principles of human behavior with emphasis on the application of these principles to police work in organizational settings.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 485. Seminar in Criminal Justice - WR, CUE 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200, CJ 325, and CJ 326; Senior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: Senior level seminar designed to explore and discuss issues, problems, and challenges in the administration and management of criminal justice organizations.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
Course Attribute(s): CUE - This course fulfills the Culminating Undergraduate Experience (CUE) requirement for certain degree programs. CUE courses are advanced-level courses intended for majors with at least 90 earned credits/senior-level status.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 488. Senior Project / Practicum / Moot Court 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): CECS 568.
Description: This is a capstone course where students demonstrate the ability to incorporate the knowledge and skills from previous courses. Includes a moot court where students are required to create an exhibit for a case on which they have worked. The moot court tests students via direct examination and cross-examination in a courtroom setting.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 493. Police and the Community 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: Course will explore the relationship between the community and those who police it. Topics to include: the history of police and their origin, aspects of police community relations, and the paradigm of Community Oriented Policing.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 495. Independent Study/Directed Readings 1-6 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: A research project or a series of directed readings under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. Written papers based on the student's program of study may be required. The purpose of this course is to enable students to independently pursue specialized interests in criminal justice issues and topics.
Note: Enrollment is limited and no more than 6 hours of credit may be counted towards a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
Note: Students must submit a written request, including topic of interest, to the chair.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 496. Special Topics in Criminal Justice 1-3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: A course designed to address specialized topics in criminal justice.
Note: Course topics will vary (see specific semester schedule).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 497. Honors Seminar 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
Description: Intensive investigation of a major substantive or theoretical area within the criminal justice system.
Note: Restricted to honors program students.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 498. Honors Seminar - WR 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
Description: Intensive investigation of a major substantive or theoretical area within the criminal justice system.
Note: Restricted to honors program students.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 499. Honors Thesis - WR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and admission to department honors program.
Description: Intensive examination of a topical area in criminal justice. Students work individually with designated faculty advisor to develop and complete original individual research projects.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 500. Crime and Criminal Justice in the Cinema 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.
Description: This course examines media representations of the criminal justice system in historical context and with global perspective to show the congruence and disparities between popular film and reality.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 505. International Terrorism 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: Investigation of international terrorism and terrorist organizations,focusing on causes,operations,organization,funding, threats and futures. Biological, chemical, nuclear and cyberspace terrorism are explored. Features of the impact of the media on terrorism, counter-terrorism, use of technology and prevention.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 507. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 3 Units
Description: Introduction to the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Emphasis will be placed on opportunity theories of crime and their application as well as means through which crime can be prevented using the built environment to reduced crime opportunity.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 509. Crime Analysis 3 Units
Description: Crime analysis is a fairly new topic in criminal justice education. This course provides students with an opportunity to apply theory to crime data while learning introductory techniques of crime analysis and mapping.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 510. Managing Conflict, Change and Justice 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: Students will be introduced to the interpersonal and social nature of conflict and the practices and skills associated with conflict resolution. By analyzing the human nature and dynamics of both interpersonal and social conflicts, students will develop an awareness of the integral role the conflict management process plays in nurturing the attributes (is relationship building, equity, fairness & peace) of conflict resolution.
Note: Cross-listed with SCHG 510.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 516. Juvenile Justice Issues 3 Units
Description: An interdisciplinary seminar. Focuses on issues pertinent to the criminal justice system that reflect conflicting perspectives. This course covers the juvenile justice system and related juvenile issues. Topics include an overview of the juvenile justice system, treatment and prevention programs, special areas and laws unique to juveniles, and other related topics.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 517. Gangs in America 3 Units
Description: One of the main purposes of this course is to examine one of the most polarizing, difficult to research topics in Criminal Justice: Gangs. By exploring these dynamics and connections, the course will address the history, research, legislation, and policy implications related to Gangs, and the criminal justice system's response to Gangs. This course is divided into four points: 1) Defining Gangs and the Historical Perspective of Gangs, 2) Theoretical Basis of Gangs and Gang Involvement, 3) Current Gang Trends, and 4) Gang Prevention/Intervention.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 519. Domestic and Family Violence 3 Units
Description: A course addressing issues relating to family violence, includes examination of partner abuse, child abuse, and elder abuse throughout the life-course.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 520. Capital Punishment - WR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: Seminar of issues related to the death penalty, including: constitutional questions, the effect of death row incarceration, and public attitudes toward the death penalty. Research on Kentucky will be featured.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 521. White Collar Crime - WR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): CJ 200 and CJ 305, or consent of instructor.
Description: A study of white collar and occupational crime. Course will focus on the concept, theoretical explanations, the extent and nature of various types of white collar and occupational crime in both public and private sectors.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 522. Serial & Mass Murder 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: Examination of serial murder and mass murder in the United States. Topics include serial murder and its relation to race and gender; the media and serial murder; and profiling. Mass murders, in which victims are killed within a few moments or hours, will also be examined. Topics include mass murder's impact on communities; political and religious ideologies; specific institutions victimized by mass murder; and political, community, and law enforcement responses.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 523. Race and Gender Issues in Criminal Justice - WR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of faculty.
Description: This course will study the dynamics of racial discrimination and racial disparity in the U.S. and how it affects the criminal justice system.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 530. Intro to Homeland Security 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Description: This course outlines the philosophy, purpose, and rationale for a separate governmental agency whose primary mission is focusing on domestic security. This course will also examine issues related to international and domestic terrorism and their effect(s) on trends in homeland security.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 531. Covert Operations in Policing 3 Units
Description: This course is an introduction to intelligence in policing and law enforcement with an emphasis on three key topics: 1) developing awareness and understanding of human intelligence (HUMINT) as a primary means of collecting information required to develop intelligence for solving, predicting, and hindering crime & criminal behavior; 2) developing skills in selecting and using analytical tools used by law enforcement intelligence and crime analysts: association and activities matrices, link analysis diagrams, social network analysis, pattern wheel analysis, mind mapping, concept map, and others; and 3) understanding the critical role of planning in law enforcement and the relationship between planning, operations and intelligence.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 576. Managing Organizational Performance 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Consent of department chair.
Description: Examination of factors affecting the management of organizational performance. Designed to help participants develop conceptual diagnostic and problem solving skills required of strategic managers in contemporary law enforcement organizations.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 577. Trauma Informed Policing 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the Southern Police Institute's Administrative Officers Course.
Description: Trauma informed policing focuses on how law enforcement can improve police community interactions, service to the public, and internal operations through adopting a trauma informed approach. This course will discuss evidence-based methods to recognize, understand, and appropriately respond to trauma experienced by victims, offenders, and police officers.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 578. Criminal Justice Leadership - WR 3 Units
Description: Through the use of lectures and case studies (films), participants will be provided with a cognitive understanding of leadership that emphasizes the study of leadership models and theories. Study and evaluation of various leadership styles and processes.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 580. International Service Learning: Criminal Justice Seminar 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Approval of program director.
Description: Study of criminology and criminal justice with a cross cultural perspective. Comparative criminal justice research regarding particular problems and issues in the host country will be conducted and examined.
Note: Travel outside the United States is required.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 596. Seminar in Criminal Justice 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: An interdisciplinary seminar. Focuses on issues pertinent to the criminal justice system that reflect conflicting perspectives.
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
CJ 597. Ethics in Criminal Justice - WR 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Occasionally Offered
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or consent of instructor.
Description: A study of the need for ethics in criminal justice. The aims of ethics, ethical theories, ethical issues related to law making, law breaking and law enforcement.
Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR).
For class offerings for a specific term, refer to the Schedule of Classes
The University of Louisville is committed to and will provide equality of educational and employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy or veteran status.
Every effort has been made to make the catalog accurate as of the date of publication. However, the University of Louisville reserves the right to change programs of study, academic policies, academic requirements, fees, course information, procedures for the confirmation of degrees, or the announced academic calendar and related deadlines without prior notice. Copyright © 2024-2025, University of Louisville. All rights reserved.